Vedic Astrology

Nakshaktra Readings

What is a Nakshatra Reading?
The word nakshaktra means 'star'. Our zodiac is broken up into 27 of them. The nakshaktra represent the mind; the higher and lower energies and daily struggles for peace and calmness amid the uncertainties and pressures.
A Nakshaktra is the original language of the stars which the ancient sages connected to intangible spirit. They tried to decipher the meaning of life from qualities beyond the zodiac where the gods and goddesses lived in a world free from pain and sorrow. The Sages felt if they could understand the language of the stars and work with their cosmic patterns they could truly learn to override daily turbulence of the human life and mind.
They relate to two key aspects; the eternal and the ever-changing. This interaction if truly understood, can bring deeper knowledge of consciousness, karma and the search for happiness.
Although the moons position in a nakshatra is of prime importance, the quality of the other planets is also influenced and altered by their nakshatra placements of all planets and will help you understand your inner motivations of the planets in your chart.
My nakshaktras readings are very visual. Pictures and symbols activate and override your left brain logic unlock your unconscious to enliven the full energy of the nakshaktras which influence your life. I will send you some reading and pictures and few days before your zoom so we can discuss what's come up for you and I can tell you more. After that I send you a symbol picture of you natal chart with some key visions you want to create.
If you want more after than let's dive deeper in where your future fortune and discuss the theme you upcoming dasha cycle. Note: I will give you insight into what you could expect however I am not one to tell you what will happen. My purpose is always to empower and help you find your own keys to unlock the energy of YOU.
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